
As we all agree Laravel is created using php and support most (if not all) native php methods. This is also true when comes to database operations in Laravel.

In this post, I will demostrate the differences between using row SQL, chained Query Builder as well Eloquent ORM when play with database in Laravel.

1. Raw SQL via DB Facade

// UserController
use Illuminate\Support\Facade\DB;

// Basic statement
DB::statement('drop table users');

// Raw select, and parameter binding
DB::select('select * from contacts where validated = ?', [true]);

// Select using the fluent builder
$users = DB::table('users')->get();

// Joins and other complex calls
    ->join('contacts', function ($join) {
        $join->on('users.id', '=', 'contacts.user_id')
             ->where('contacts.type', 'donor');

It is possible to make any raw call to database using the DB facade with statement() method, DB::statement('SQL statement here')

But there are also specific methods for various common actions: select(), insert(), update(), and delete().

Method Example
Raw select DB::select('select * from users');
Raw insert DB::insert('insert into contacts (name, email) values (?, ?)', ['sally', '[email protected]']);
Raw update DB::update('update contacts set status = ? where id = ?', ['donor', $id]);
Raw delete DB::delete('delete from contacts where archived = ?', [true]);

2. Chaining with the Query Builder

// UserController
use Illuminate\Support\Facade\DB;
$usersOfType = DB::table('users')
    ->where('type', $type)

Let’s take a look at what methods the query builder allows us to chain. The methods can be split up into four categories: constraining methods, modifying methods, conditional methods, and ending/returning methods.

constraining methods modifying methods conditional methods ending/returning methods
select() orderBy(colName, direction) when() get()
where() groupBy() and having() or havingRaw() unless() first() and firstOrFail()
orWhere() skip() and take()   find(id) and findOrFail(id)
whereBetween(colName, [low, high]) latest(colName) and oldest(colName)   value()
whereIn(colName, [1, 2, 3])
whereInRaw(colName, [1, 2, 3])
whereIntegerInRaw(colName, [1, 2, 3])
inRandomOrder()   count()
whereNull(colName) and whereNotNull(colName)     min() and max()
whereRaw()     sum() and avg()

Further than the listed, custom methods exist for making raw statement - for example, select() has a selectRaw() counterpart that allows you to pass in a string for the query builder to place after the WHERE statement.

One can however pass in the result of a DB::raw() call to almost any method in the query builder to achieve the same result.

Other SQL native methods like join and union are also made possible in Query Builder.

Raw Methods Join Methods Union Methods Insert/Update/Delete
selectRaw() join() union() insert() / insertOrIgnore()
whereRaw() / orWhereRaw() leftJoin() / rightJoin() unionAll() upsert()
havingRaw() / orHavingRaw() crossJoin()   update()
json update()
orderBy() Advanced Join Clauses   delete()
groupBy() joinSub()   transaction()

2.1. Constraining Methods

Method Funciton
select() Allows you to choose which columns you’re selecting
where() Allows you to limit the scope of what’s being returned using WHERE
orWhere() Creates simple OR WHERE statements
whereBetween(colName, [low, high]) Allows you to scope a query to return only rows where a column is between two values (inclusive of the two values)
whereIn(colName, [1, 2, 3])
whereInRaw(colName, [1, 2, 3])
whereIntegerInRaw(colName, [1, 2, 3])
Allows you to scope a query to return only rows where a column value is in an explicitly provided list of options
whereNull(colName) and whereNotNull(colName) Allow you to select only rows where a given column is NULL or is NOT NULL, respectively
whereRaw() Allows you to pass in a raw, unescaped string to be added after the WHERE statement
whereExists() Allows you to select only rows that, when passed into a provided subquery, return at least one row
distinct() Selects only rows where the selected data is unique when compared to the other rows in the returned data

2.1.1. Examples select()
// select() method
$emails = DB::table('contacts')
    ->select('email', 'email2 as second_email')
// Or
$emails = DB::table('contacts')
    ->addSelect('email2 as second_email')
    ->get(); where()
// where() method
$newVips = DB::table('contacts')
    ->where('vip', true)
    ->where('created_at', '>', now()->subDay());
// Or
$newVips = DB::table('contacts')->where([
    ['vip', true],
    ['created_at', '>', now()->subDay()],
]); orWhere()
// orWhere() method with a closure
$contacts = DB::table('contacts')
    ->where('vip', true)
    ->orWhere(function ($query) {
        $query->where('created_at', '>', now()->subDay())
            ->where('trial', false);
    ->get(); Caution of using multiple orWhere()
$canEdit = DB::table('users')
    ->where('admin', true)
    ->orWhere('plan', 'premium')
    ->where('is_plan_owner', true)

// is equivalent to 

    WHERE admin = 1
    OR plan = 'premium'
    AND is_plan_owner = 1;


$canEdit = DB::table('users')
    ->where('admin', true)
    ->orWhere(function ($query) {
        $query->where('plan', 'premium')
            ->where('is_plan_owner', true);

// is equivalent to

    WHERE admin = 1
    OR (plan = 'premium' AND is_plan_owner = 1); whereBetween()
// whereBetween() method
$mediumDrinks = DB::table('drinks')
    ->whereBetween('size', [6, 12])
    ->get(); whereIn()
// whereIn() method
$closeBy = DB::table('contacts')
    ->whereIn('state', ['FL', 'GA', 'AL'])
    ->get(); whereRaw()
// whereRaw() method
$goofs = DB::table('contacts')->whereRaw('id = 12345')->get() whereExist()
// whereExist() method
$commenters = DB::table('users')
    ->whereExists(function ($query) {
            ->whereRaw('comments.user_id = users.id');
// get those users who have left at least one comment distinct()
// distinct() method
$lastNames = DB::table('contacts')->select('city')->distinct()->get();

2.2. Modifying Methods

Method Function
orderBy(colName, direction) Orders the results. The second parameter may be either asc (the default, ascending order) or desc (descending order)
groupBy() and having() or havingRaw() Groups your results by a column. Optionally, having() and havingRaw() allow you to filter your results based on properties of the groups
skip() and take() Most often used for pagination, these allow you to define how many rows to return and how many to skip before starting the return
latest(colName) and oldest(colName) Sort by the passed column (or created_at if no column name is passed) in descending (latest()) or ascending (oldest()) order
inRandomOrder() Sorts the result randomly

2.2.1. Examples orderBy(colName, direction)
// orderBy() method
$contacts = DB::table('contacts')
    ->orderBy('last_name', 'asc')
    ->get(); groupBy()
// groupBy() method
$populousCities = DB::table('contacts')
    ->havingRaw('count(contact_id) > 30')
    ->get(); skip() and take()
// skip() and take()
// returns rows 31-40
$page4 = DB::table('contacts')->skip(30)->take(10)->get();

2.3. Conditional Methods

Method Function
when() Given a truthy first parameter, applies the query modification contained in the closure; given a falsy first parameter, it does nothing
unless() The exact inverse of when(). If the first parameter is falsy, it will run the second closure

2.3.1. Examples when()
$status = request('status'); // Defaults to null if not set

$posts = DB::table('posts')
    ->when($status, function ($query) use ($status) {
        return $query->where('status', $status);

// Or
$posts = DB::table('posts')
    ->when($ignoreDrafts, function ($query) {
        return $query->where('draft', false);

You can also pass a third parameter, another closure, which will only be applied if the first parameter is falsy.

2.4. Ending/Returning Methods

These methods stop the query chain and trigger the execution of the SQL query. Without one of these at the end of the query chain, your return will always just be an instance of the query builder

Method Function
get() Gets all results for the built query
first() and firstOrFail() Get only the first result—like get(), but with a LIMIT 1 added
find(id) and findOrFail(id) Like first(), but you pass in an ID value that corresponds to the primary key to look up
value() Plucks just the value from a single field from the first row
count() Returns an integer count of all of the matching results
min() and max() Return the minimum or maximum value of a particular column
sum() and avg() Return the sum or average of all of the values in a particular column

2.4.1. Examples get()
// get() method
$contacts = DB::table('contacts')->get();
$vipContacts = DB::table('contacts')->where('vip', true)->get(); first() and firstOrFail()
// first() method
$newestContact = DB::table('contacts')
    ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')

first() fails silently if there are no results, whereas firstOrFail() will throw an exception.

If you pass an array of column names to either method, it will return the data for just those columns instead of all columns. find(id) and findOrFail(id)
// find() method
$contactFive = DB::table('contacts')->find(5);

find() fails silently if a row with that ID doesn’t exist, while findOrFail() will throw an exception. value()
// value() method
$newestContactEmail = DB::table('contacts')
    ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
    ->value('email'); count()
// count() method
$countVips = DB::table('contacts')
    ->where('vip', true)
    ->count(); min() and max()
// max() method
$highestCost = DB::table('orders')->max('amount'); sum() and avg()
// avg() method
$averageCost = DB::table('orders')
    ->where('status', 'completed')

2.5. Raw Queries and Raw Query inside Query Builder

2.5.1. Raw Query

2.5.2. Raw Query inside Query Builder

2.6. Join Clauses

2.7. Unions

2.8. Insert/Update/Delete/Transaction

3. Eloquent ORM

// ContactController
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Contact extends Model
public function show($contactId)
    return view('contacts.show')
        ->with('contact', Contact::findOrFail($contactId));

3.1. Eloquent Methods

3.1.1. Retrieving Data

3.1.2. Inserts and Updates

3.1.3. Delection

3.2. Query Scopes

3.2.1. Global Scope

3.2.2. Local Scope

3.3. Mutators & Casting

3.3.1. Accessors, Mutators

3.3.2. Attribute Casting

3.3.3. Custom Casts

3.4. Eloquent Collections

3.4.1. Collection Methos

3.5. Eloquent Serialization

3.5.1. To Arrays

3.5.2. To JSON

3.6. Eloquent Relationships

3.7. Manipulation of Relationships

3.8. Eager Loading

3.8.1. Constraining Eager Loads

3.8.2. Lazy Eager Loading

3.8.3. Preventing Lazy Loading

3.9. Eloquent Events

3.10. Test

4. Reference

  • Stauffer, M. (2019). Laravel: Up & Running: A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps. United States: O’Reilly Media.
  • https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/queries
  • https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent